
WP 2017-09: The demand for credit at the individual level: The credit registry meets the national household survey

WP 2017-09
TitleThe demand for credit at the individual level: The credit registry meets the national household survey
Original titleLa demanda de crédito a nivel de personas: RCC conoce a ENAHO
Author(s) Nikita Céspedes Reynaga
Language Spanish
Date 2017/09/30

This document examines the demand for credit at the individual level in Peru. It uses a unique database resulting from the merge of the administrative credit registry (RCC) and the National Household Survey (ENAHO). The data allows to ideally identifying the amount of credit and the interest rate as well as the characteristics of each credit granted in the Peruvian banking system. It also includes indicators of the supply of each credit, which is key for the identification of demand. The elasticity of the demand for credit relative to the interest rate is estimated using a two-step procedure proposed by Heckman (1979) and is approximately -0,29. This value means that a rise in the market interest rate by 1%.implies a reduction in the demand for credit by 0,29%. This elasticity is slightly lower than the one provided by the international evidence and is highly heterogeneous throughout credit types and features of individual debtors.

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