
WP 2014-19: Splicing annual and quarterly historical expenditure and sectorial based GDP series using the 2007 base

WP 2014-19
TitleSplicing annual and quarterly historical expenditure and sectorial based GDP series using the 2007 base
Original titleEmpalme de series históricas anuales y trimestrales del PBI por el lado del gasto y de los sectores económicos, base 2007
Author(s) Javier Gutierrez, Martín Martínez, Ricardo Quineche and César Virreira
Language Spanish
Date 2014/12/31

In August 2014, the Central Bank of Peru published the new historical GDP series as well as the expenditure-side components together with the sectorial value-added components for the 2007 base. The series were published for the period 1950-2013 (annual series) and the period 1980-2013 (quarterly series). This document main task is to present the methods and results of the splicing process to the 2007 base year. The paper also examines the main methodological possibilities and the international experience on the subject. The spliced series, obtained via the preferred method, show coherence with the series built under the previous base year and reflect the economic history of the country.

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