I. Money and Credit
II. Inflation and Exchange Rate
III. Output and Employment
IV. External Sector
V. Public Finances
VI. Financial Statements
Annexes (zip version)
- Selected macroeconomic indicators (in percentage of GDP)
- Per capita gross domestic product (millions of nuevos soles at 1994 prices)
- Gross national disposable income (millions of nuevos soles at 1994 prices)
- Gross national disposable income (percentage change)
- Global demand and supply (percentage changes at constant prices)
- Gross domestic product by industry (percentage change at constant prices)
- Consumer price index (percentage change)
- Core inflation (percentage change)
- Exchange rate (percentage change)
- Exchange rate (nuevos soles per US$)
- Real exchange rate (index of average data: base 1994=100)
- Foreign exchange rates and interest rates (average data)
- Balance of payments (millions of US$)
- Balance of payments (in percentage of GDP)
- Trade balance (millions of US$)
- Exports (millions of US$)
- Traditional exports (millions of US$)
- Non-traditional exports (millions of US$)
- Imports (millions of US$)
- Terms of trade index (year 1994 = 100)
- Commodity prices
- Private sector long-term capital flows (millions of US$)
- Public sector financial account (millions of US$)
- External public debt disbursements by financial source (millions of US$)
- External public debt external public debt (millions of US$)
- International assets and liabilities position (in percentage of GDP)
- Operations of the non-financial public sector
- Central government current revenues
- Central government expenditure
- Monetary accounts of the deposit societies (millions of nuevos soles)
- Monetary accounts of the banking system (millions of nuevos soles)
- Monetary aggregates of the banking system (in percentage of GDP)
- Nominal and real interest rates in domestic and foreign currency (end of year, annual effective rates)
- Net external assets of the banking system (millions of US$)
- Monetary accounts of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (millions of nuevos soles).