
WP 2006-06: The Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in Peru: BEER Models and Confidence Band Building

WP 2006-06
TitleThe Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in Peru: BEER Models and Confidence Band Building
Original titleTipo de Cambio Real de Equilibrio en el Perú: modelos BEER y construcción de bandas de confianza
Author(s) Jesús Ferreyra and Jorge Salas
Language English
Date 2006/06/30

This paper uses the "Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate" (BEER) approach to estimate the equilibrium real exchange rate (RER) for Peru. A bootstrap technique is then employed to build confidence bands for the equilibrium path, so that it is possible to determine whether exchange rate misalignments are statistically significant. Additionally, structural breaks are modeled in the long-run relationship between the RER and its fundamentals. Using quarterly data for 1980.I-2005.III, the authors find that the long-run behavior of the Peruvian RER is explained by the following fundamentals: net foreign liabilities, terms of trade, and, less conclusively, government expenditure and openness. Moreover, the ratio of tradable to non-tradable sector productivities, both in domestic terms and relative to trading partners, appears as an additional RER fundamental only since the 1990s. Finally, there is evidence of some statistically significant RER misalignment episodes over the analyzed period.

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