
WP 2015-005: To grow is not sufficient to reduce informality

WP 2015-005
TitleTo grow is not sufficient to reduce informality
Original titleCrecer no es Suficiente para Reducir la Informalidad
Author(s) Nikita Céspedes
Language Spanish
Date 2015/10/31

This paper studies the relationship between labor informality and economic growth in Peru at the regional level. The study uses both, the regional urban unemployment rate and electricity consumption as indicators of economic activity in a discrete choice model of informality at the worker level. The results show that the informality-growth elasticity is statistically significant but small, thus, the contribution of an increase in economic activity to reduce informality is also small. It is suggested that economic growth affects informality via net job creation in formal sectors. These jobs are more productive than jobs in the informal sector. Also, formal jobs have higher wage returns than jobs in the informal sector. Though, this latter gap is shrinking since the onset of current decade and so, incentives to formalize jobs are fading.

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