Monetary and Foreing Exchange Operations - October 1998

CENTRAL BANK CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT (CDBCRP) In millions of nuevos soles Monday 12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14 Thursday 15 Friday 16
Stock of CDBCRP 42,9 112,9 137,9 162,9 174,9
Next due date of CDBCRP (October 16, 1998) 13,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 29,9
Amount of CDBCRP 42,9 112,9 112,9 112,9 99,9
Outcome of the auction sale          
- Proposals received 85,3 206,7 51,5 50,0 91,1
- Proposals accepted 29,9 70,0 25,0 25,0 25,0
Interest rates accepted          
- Minimum 17,50% 13,98% 17,00% 23,50% 21,50%
- Maximum 19,00% 15,54% 24,00% 23,50% 22,40%
- Average 18,31% 14,87% 22,98% 23,50% 21,82%
Outcome of the buying auction sale CDBCRP (Repo)          
- Proposals received          
- Proposals accepted          
Interest rates accepted          
- Minimum          
- Maximum          
- Average          
Secondary Market of CDBCRP          
Amount traded     10,0   9,1
Interest rates 1/          
- Minimum     14,00%   22,00%
- Maximum     14,00%   22,00%
- Average     14,00%   22,00%
SHORT TERM CREDITS (with CDBCRP guarenteed)          
- Amount (millions of nuevos soles)          
- Interest rates          
SHORT TERM CREDITS (with CDBCRP guarenteed)          
- Amount (millions of US dollars) 125,6 125,9 111,2 137,6 177,5
- Interest rates 13,70% 13,45% 13,01% 12,95% 12,61%
- Amount (millions of US dollars)          
Fee (daily efective rate) 0,0241% 0,0241% 0,0241% 0,0241% 0,0241%
- Amount (millions of US dollars)          
- Average exchange rate (S/. US$)          
Commercial bank current account in the BCRP (Stock in millions of nuevos soles) 293,3 314,6 375,2 405,4 351,1
Interbanking operations (domestic currency)          
- Amount (millions of Soles) 234,0 169,8 175,5 229,3 154,6
Interes rates          
- Minimun 6,00% 7,25% 5,00% 4,00% 1,00%
- Maximun 28,00% 20,00% 20,00% 20,00% 20,00%
- Average 16,75% 11,58% 11,03% 9,07% 11,12%
Interbanking operations (foreign currency)          
- Amount (millions of US dollars) 38,4 89,2 136,8 139,2 158,6
Interes rates          
- Minimun 10,00% 10,00% 9,00% 10,00% 10,00%
- Maximun 16,00% 17,00% 16,00% 16,00% 16,00%
- Average 13,70% 13,45% 13,01% 12,95% 12,61%
Commercial Banks operations in the foreign exchange market (millions of US dollars)          
Spot net purchases -5,9 -17,1 1,0 -11,5 17,6
Forwards net purchase 4,6 1,6 1,2 -1,6 -3,9
Total spot operations 203,7 255,5 181,1 164,6 197,0
Total forward operations 8,4 17,4 18,5 21,7 11,9
1/ Profit rate to the buyer